Kapil Sharma’s weekly sketch comedy show on Netflix India, “The Great Indian Kapil Show,” has been renewed for a second season. The show, which premiered on March 30, has gone on for over 12 episodes, with its finale set to air this week on June 22. The show revolves around Sharma and his team of comedians, including Sunil Grover, Kiku Sharda, Krushna Sharda, Kushna Abhishek and Rajiv Thakur.
The logline: The extravagant set of the play is a visual extravaganza, set against the backdrop of an opulent airport terminal. Everything about this place is elegant and sophisticated, from the opulent waiting area to the designer retail kiosks, revolving cafĂ©, and the legendary Kap’s unique cafe. Archana Puran Singh is the permanent guest of the show.