Netflix has ordered new adult animated and live action comedy series, Saturday Morning All Star Hits!, from creators Kyle Mooney and Ben Jones. The logline: Saturday Morning All Star Hits! is an adult animated and live action hybrid series celebrating all that is 80s and 90s television. Wildly irreverent and slightly disturbing, twin hosts Skip and Treybor (Kyle Mooney) take us on a trip through the Saturday Morning cartoon experience.
Creators / Executive Producers: Kyle Mooney and Ben Jones (Emmy Award-winning Bento Box Entertainment)
Executive Producers: Lorne Michaels, Andrew Singer, Katy Jenson (Broadway Video); Scott Greenberg and Joel Kuwahara (Bento Box Entertainment); Dave McCary; Scott Gairdner
The 8 episode adult animated series order will premiere December 10, 2021
Bento Box Entertainment will serve as the animation studio and this is a Broadway Video production.
Cast: Kyle Mooney