Hulu has ordered 8 episodes of a musical romantic comedy series called “Up Here” from 20th Television and Old 320 Sycamore Productions. Set in New York City in the waning days of 1999, the series follows the extraordinary story of one ordinary couple, as they fall in love – and discover that the single greatest obstacle to finding happiness together might just be themselves – and the treacherous world of memories, obsessions, fears, and fantasies that lives inside their heads.  The series will feature songs for the series by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez.

Casting is currently underway; production scheduled for this summer in NY.


All principals are represented by WME with the exception of Sanchez-Witzel who is repped by UTA, manager Howard Klein at 3 Arts and attorney Karl Austen of Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum. Steven Levenson’s lawyer is David Berlin.

Steven Levenson photo HERE (credit: Whitney May)
Sanchez-Witzel photo HERE (courtesy of Sanchez-Witzel)