Online Bingo has analyzed some of the world’s greatest ever films and characters, to reveal the heroes who are the most loved.
Top 10 most popular movie heroes
  1. Harry Potter

  2. Batman

  3. Peter Parker

  4. Sherlock Holmes

  5. Superman

  6. Wonder Woman

  7. Robin Hood

  8. Deadpool

  9. Hermione Granger

  10.  Black Widow

What did the research discover?
⚡ Harry Potter has been named as the world’s most popular movie hero, with fans searching the characters name over 131,000,000 times online annually.
👑 Wonder Woman takes the crown as the most loved female movie hero of all time, with the characters 2017 film receiving a highly respectable 88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
🦁 Simba, the much loved lion from The Lion King is one of Disney’s highest ranking stars – proving not all heroes come in human form.
🍸 James Bond takes 14th spot for his heroic role in the 1964 classic, Goldfinger, which may come as a surprise to many 007 fans.