Prior to premiering on April 11, 2025, Apple TV+ drama “Your Friends & Neighbors,” starring and executive produced by Jon Hamm, has been renewed for season two. The logline: After being fired in disgrace, Andrew “Coop” Cooper (Hamm), a hedge fund manager still grappling with his recent divorce, resorts to stealing from his neighbors’ homes in the exceedingly affluent Vestment Village, only to discover that the secrets and affairs hidden behind those wealthy facades might be more dangerous than he ever imagined.

Alongside Hamm, the series also stars Amanda Peet, Olivia Munn, Hoon Lee, Mark Tallman, Lena Hall, Aimee Carrero, Eunice Bae, Isabel Marie Gravitt and Donovan Colan.

“I’ve had this show in my head for years, and making it has been a dream come true,” said creator and executive producer Jonathan Tropper. “It’s been an absolute thrill partnering with Jon Hamm, along with Connie Tavel and Craig Gillespie, to bring it to life. The support from everyone at Apple has been phenomenal, and the fact that they’ve ordered a second season before we aired our first is an incredible validation and a tribute to the work of this stellar cast, as well as the crew, writers, directors and producers who worked so hard to make this show what it is. We can’t wait for everyone to see it.”

Hailing from Apple Studios and produced by Tropper Ink, the series is created by bestselling author Tropper, who serves as showrunner and executive producer under his overall deal with Apple TV+. Additionally, Hamm executive produces alongside Connie Tavel and Craig Gillespie. Gillespie also directs episodes 101-102.