The Bob Hope Legacy, the Bob & Dolores Hope Foundation and the Hope family are proud to announce the new Bob Hope Channel on YouTube. The Bob Hope vaults have become things of legend, with an unparalleled collection of thousand hours of TV, radio and film in the archive, as well as tens of thousands of photographs. and every week, the family along with the help of Bob’s official archivist, Jim Hardy, they will make selections to add to the channel twice a week.
Jim Hardy, has for years handled the licensing of these materials, issues pertaining to copyright and maintaining the extensive archives. In 1986, Jim filled in for a summer job at Bob Hope Enterprises as a production assistant. He never returned to his old job and 38 years later he is still there. Jim has worked on 43 television shows with Bob or about Bob, and countless personal appearances.
Clips include USO Tours, Tributes to Vaudeville, Hopes Insult Reel, Monologues, Christmas Specials, PGA & Bob Hope Classics, as well as stars such as Brooke Shields, Jayne Mansfield, Lucille Ball, Norman Lear, Bing Crosby, Sammy Davis Jr, Jackie Gleason, Jack Benny, Johnny Carson, and even Big Bird and Lassie.
Sample Topics Jim Hardy can discuss:
*** Behind the scenes with Bob Hope
*** Working on a show with Danny Thomas, Milton Berle and George Burns all on the same show.
*** How the skies cleared for Bob for the All American Team (Football)
*** Many stories involving the USO and the stars that traveled with Bob, who could sleep anywhere.
*** Meeting the female stars that appeared on Bob’s shows including Lucille Ball, Dorothy Lamour, Joan Collins, Barbara Eden, Brooke Shields, Lynda Crater, Joan Van Ark, Donna Mills, Naomi and Wynonna Judd.
*** Bob’s Desert Classic in Palm Springs (Clint Eastwood, Sammy Davis Jr, Arnold Palmer, Telly Savalas, and the presidential foursome – Hope, Clinton, Ford, and Bush – Who won)
Bob Hope Background In Brief:
Bob Hope rose to the top of every medium he touched: headliner in Vaudeville, Broadway star, radio icon, movie idol and superstar on television. His persona reached audiences of every age in every decade of the 20th century. A popular star in Vaudeville, it was Broadway’s “Roberta” where Bob eventually caught the eyes of critics. In 1938, NBC signed him for a radio show that became a fixture in American homes. It wasn’t long before Paramount called on Bob. He went on to make 50+ feature films, including the popular “Road Pictures” with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. In 1950, his TV career officially launched with “Star Spangled Revue.” An accomplished man, Bob’s greatest legacy was his commitment to American service personnel. For nearly 6 decades, at war or at peace, “G.I. Bob” crossed the globe with 57 USO tours for troops in WW II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Persian Gulf War. In the history of show business, no one traveled so far, so often, to entertain so many.
The Bob Hope Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube. com/@officialbobhope/videos
For more information about the legacy and foundation, please visit https://bobhope.org/