Martial arts drama “Cobra Kai” from Sony Pictures Television has been renewed for for a fifth season at Netflix before its fourth season has aired. The show, which started out as a YouTube original before moving to Netflix for its third season, continues the story of the “Karate Kid” film franchise. In season three, Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) is reeling after his star student, Miguel (Xolo Maridueña), was severely injured in a brawl between the Cobra Kai students and the Miyagi-do students. He and his long-time Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) ultimately decide to team up to stop the violence and take down John Kreese (Martin Kove), who has taken control of Cobra Kai from Johnny.
The upcoming fourth season of “Cobra Kai” picks up after the events of the season three finale that saw Daniel and Johnny combine their dojos to take on the villainous John Kreese (Martin Kove) at the All Valley Tournament. The season is connected to “The Karate Kid Part III” and will see the return of Kreese’s evil best friend Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffith).
“Cobra Kai” is written and executive produced by Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg via their production company, Counterbalance Entertainment. Will Smith, James Lassiter, and Caleeb Pinkett executive produce for Westbrook Entertainment along with Susan Ekins. Macchio and Zabka also serve as executive producers.
The first three seasons of the series are available to stream via Netflix now.