Dark comedy “Made For Love”, based on the novel by Alissa Nutting and starring Cristin Milit1, has been picked up for a second season by HBO Max. The series centers on Milioti’s Hazel Green, a 30-something who is on the run after a decade-long, suffocating marriage to a tech billionaire played by Billy Magnussen, who has implanted a chip into her brain to track her “emotional data.” Hazel flees to her hometown, holing up at her childhood home where her aging widower father (Ray Romano) has begun to rely on synthetic sex doll “Diane” for companionship. Dan Bakkedahl, Noma Dumezweni, Augusto Aguilera and Caleb Foote also star.
The series’ first season was executive produced by showrunner Christina Lee alongside Nutting, Patrick Somerville, Dean Bakopoulos, Liza Chasin and SJ Clarkson. Co-exec producer Stephanie Laing directed six episodes, including the pilot and season finale; Alethea Jones directed two episodes. Paramount Television Studios produces the series.
Eight episodes of “Made For Love” aired in season one.